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Rhoid Rage (& recovery)



shared a chat session in group #Rhoid Rage (& recovery)

Well, hello everyone. I'm Rob and I had surgery 3 days ago to cut out 2 grade 2-3 internal hemmies. I was prescribed ibuprofen, acetaminophen and percocet for heavy hitting pain. I haven't had a BM yet and I'm pretty scared about it, honestly. My pain level was a 5/10 immediately post op in the recovery room and has dropped to a 1/10 outside of the discomfort of passing gas. I have been eating a soup diet since the surgery (broth and cream based) with the occasional yogurt or apple sauce with juice for breakfast. I'm eating very little. I've been taking a stool softener but didn't take miralax until this morning (1/2 a dose). I have taken the percocet twice now when I thought I was going to have the first BM. Is the shoe going to drop on me?

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