Todd Smith
shared a media post in group #Rhoid Rage (& recovery)
This Doctor says fiber worsens #Rhoid Rage (& recovery) ? I'm so confused now....
"People with pile and hemorrhoids,
Fiber worsens your condition.
You don't need foods with high Fibre contents.
Peel the skin of your cucumbers before eating.
Boil your garden egg before eating.
Avoid veggies till you have significant healing.
Avoid foods that inflame your guts(sugar, smoothies, fruits, seed oils, refined carbs(pasta, white rice, noodles, bread).
Supplement Zinc, vitamin B1, magnesium(not oxide) and Betaine HCl.
Sun your tummy, grounding at least 3-5times a week.
Finally, ditch the toilet seat and squat with potty.
Give it time doing this, you will heal.