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Rhoid Rage (& recovery)



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There are actually two types of hemroids treatments involving a laser: laser coagulation therapy and laser excision. In laser coagulation therapy, the laser is actually used to create scar tissue which cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoidal tissue, causing it to eventually shrink up and die. The scar tissue also acts to prevent future hemorrhoids from occurring by strengthening the anal walls, thus preventing the veins there from bulging and developing into hemroids. In laser excision, the laser beam is actually used to vaporize the hemroids altogether. The hemorrhoidal tissue is completely removed, right away. Furthermore, the risk of reoccurrence of your hemorrhoids is small, and that can in turn mean that the treatment ends up costing less than other hemroids treatments that you have to repeat. #Rhoid Rage (& recovery) source: https://www.hemorrhoids.o..
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Laser Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Introduction Most people who suffer from hemorrhoids, also referred to as hemroids, will seek some sort of treatment to relieve the pain and discomfort that typically accompany the condition. The mos

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