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Rhoid Rage (& recovery)



shared a chat session in group #Rhoid Rage (& recovery)

Need suggestions (24M). I've been having fissures since I was 18 y/o. They weren't a big problem as such. Once in a year prolly I got constipated and passed a hard stool and caused fissure. They used to heal in a day or two. Now 3 months a ago I ate really badly and passed a really really hard stool. Along with a fissure I also got hemorrhoid flare up. Now at the moment the fissure is healed no pain at all has left a very small skin tag which is painless. But I'm now left with nice lumps of internal hems inside my anus. When I insert finger I literally feel all of em. Again no pain no itching no bleeding whatsoever. I just feel them lumps inside. Doc said grade 2 hems. One doc recommended laser surgery other said not required. What would you guys recommend

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