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Rhoid Rage (& recovery)


Liam O

shared a chat session in group #Rhoid Rage (& recovery)

FINALLY bit the bullet and am on day 4 post op. A handful of years ago I finally had the guts to mention to my PCP about my hemorrhoids after a pretty bad flare up. To that point I would get a bad flare up once a year, maybe every other year. During thatctime, I would obviously try any and everything out there for a cure, creams, Chinese medicinal pills, diet, etc. When they were gone, back to normal. The past few years required pushing one back in after a bowel movement, if I didn't, it would become irritated and uncomfortable. Anyways, I saw the general surgeon my PCP referred me to and he said the hemmoroidectomy could be done but I put it off for a couple years, mainly out of fear. I rescheduled twice the past year and finally had it done last Wednesday afternoon. We've got a 4 year old and my wife is 8 months pregnant, due May 5. I figured it's now or never. 24 hr after surgery wasn't so bad, I took 1 pain pill (perc) and rotated with Ibuprofen. I was numb in the region and it sort of just felt like a bad hemmoroid experience. Night 2 I started to get a little anxious about the first BM and took 3 stool softener, a glass of Metamucil, kefir mixed with Chia seeds and a bunch of water. This is where things may have gone awry on my end. Friday morning I woke up after a bad night sleep around 3am. I said screw it, I need to have a BM just out of anxiety. I made oatmeal with a load of chia seeds, water with chia seeds, Metamucil, 3 more softeners and a couple cups of coffee for good measure, more kefir . I strained pretty well that morning and tried a whole lot of different positions, ultimately leading to some bleeding and finally...the only thing that worked was finally passing into a diaper standing up, several times. The rest of the day was bouts of loose, soft BM with blood, which would stop once I cleaned up. I also developed a sort of shortness of breath and raised heart rate, which is uncharacteristic of me. I became a bit concerned. Went to clinic and they said everything was OK overall and vitals were good and to just keep up fluid intake. I stopped the pain pill that evening, and had some solid food to try and alleviate some of the softener effects of what may have remained. I slept better, but still not great. Next morning I got up, drank a glass of water, had some yogurt and granola and felt the urge. I was nervous about another movement with considerable blood. I did have to push a bit but it was a little more solid and no blood. Had another yesterday evening but i still feel like everything wasn't fully cleared and needed to clear bowel. Took a pain pill last night and slept better than I have since surgery. I also took 1 docusate capsule, the first since I overdid them. This morning, same idea, soon as I woke and drank a Glass of water and moving around, I felt the urge. I went and again had to strain a bit to get past the gas and a small stool emerged, not hard but totally soft either. Another urge shortly during / after breakfast and same deal, just another mid tier soft stool. Finally, after a shower and BM 2 of day, I felt urge again and started to get pretty frustrated. I feared straining to much but finally went into the sitz bath that first started as a firm poo but ended with a relief of soft. Finally. Anyways, I was referred to this sub by a kind member of reddit, and sorry for the details, but I wanted to share my experience thus far. The rest kf the day has been better for sure, pain has subsided a bit, and I plan to totally switch to Tylenol and Ibuprofen mix, and do 2 softener tablets a day, 12 hr apart. I also am afraid of complelty overdoing the fiber intake. I went all in, and it may have backfired at the beginning. The only real concern I have moving forward is the spasms I'm getting, and the still lingering accelerated heart rate and light headed was when standing up. Overall, it sucks but hoping or turn ANY corner soon. Surgeon was OK, but wish I saw an absolute specialist first or got all options on table first. Here's to hoping I continue to make progress on recovery, and I thank everyone in advance.

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