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Rhoid Rage (& recovery)



shared a chat session in group #Rhoid Rage (& recovery)

Any unconventional ways to treat these? I have 2 external hemorrhoids and 3 internal prolapsing hemorrhoids that don’t seem to go down. The pain is insurmountable but I’m terrified of the surgery. If I’m in this much pain now, I can’t imagine what it’d be like then. I’m trying anything to get them to go down. I’ve tried taking sitz baths, epsom salt baths, Emuaid ointment, lidocaine, ibuprofen, tucks pads, (which seem to cause more pain?) I even started putting ointments in the fridge to cool them off before applying. I’m scared of eating because no matter what, it comes out hurting. I started eating a high fiber diet with mainly soluble fibers. And still, it hurts. I’ve started drinking 64-90 oz of water a day and it still hurts. I feel like I’m trying any and everything and running out of options. I just saw something online for using sugar on them? Has anyone had experience with this? Does anyone have advice on how to get rid of these? I’ve had them for 10 years and they’re unbearable…
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